Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

Not having any romantic couple plans for Valentine's Day, we celebrated with the kids, who were already hyped up from school parties full of Red Dye #5. After our dinner of homemade pizza, we broke out the chocolate fountain and dipped away. You can see that they're wearing as much as they ate. Carden sporting his chocolate goatee. A future Willy Wonka.
For the real highlight of the holiday, the credit goes to Tyler. For 10 days he played "Cupid," leaving a daily note to me, Carden, and Seth accompanied by a piece of See's candy. No cheapo Hershey's kisses for him! The good stuff parceled out on a daily basis. As usual, he created an elaborate story for Cupid, who swoops in to deliver his valentines, narrowly avoiding capture by Dad and his sidekick Lion Puppet, who have sworn to apprehend the chocolate-bearing cherub and lock him up. Every day as the boys would come home, Tyler would shout that he could hear noises upstairs. He'd grab Lion Puppet, thunder up the stairs shouting "I've got you now, Cupid" while Carden and Seth tore after him shrieking for Cupid to fly away.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Tyler's a keeper. What a fun tradition!