Thursday, February 23, 2012

V-day boxes

Next year I think I'll promise extra chocolate to the teachers who make the Valentine boxes during class. I'm not a crafty person, and even less of a crafts-with-kids person. Or maybe I just make the mistake of saying, "Let's see what ideas we find online." Low-achieving parents (me) don't put pictures of their Valentine box projects online. High-achieving parents (not me) do. So after seeing the 4-days to make a paper mache R2D2 and other boxes that would have taken the entire contents of our recycling bin, we settled on a tissue-box alligator for Seth, and a pirate ship milk carton for Carden. It still took 4 days. I learned that art projects with Seth, are just that--art projects. Art projects with Carden are high-intensive occupational therapy. Ugh. And poor Charlotte, struggling to write her 9-letter name on 16 valentine cards...


Heidi said...

my poor kids were sent with gift bags. You are such a good mom!!!

candace cottrell said...

That's SO funny! We did the alligator valentine box too!!!! Caitlin informed me the night before Valentine's day that she had to make a Valentine box! Ugh. I thought they made one at school. So we went online looking for something simple and that's the one we decided. And it wasn't really THAT simple, either. SIGH.... But Caitlin was thrilled and happy. ANd then guess what? Only one other kid in the class decorated up a Valentine box. The rest of the kids just put their Valentines on their desk. AHHHHH!