Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Worth a thousand words

Not much to say, just some cute pictures of the kids. Not the cute picture I wanted (all of us together), but some fun individual shots showing their personalities.

Charlotte: loud

We were driving and Claire started fussing. Charlotte patted Claire's carseat and said, "It's ok, baby. Don't cry, baby." over and over. When this got no response she shouted at her, "Be quiet, baby!"

Carden: without pretense

We're at a restaurant and Tyler orders a burrito without cheese. The server accidentally puts cheese on the order. Tyler repeats the "no cheese" part and the guy quickly fixes it. No problem; we move on. Carden goes back in line and tells him earnestly, "I know how it feels to make a mistake." A few days earlier we're in the parking lot at Target and he sees someone walking on crutches about 25 feet away. He shouts out, "Hey, you need some help?"

Seth: trying really hard to be happy

"Mom, I know what the three wise men brought. Frankincense, gold, and murder."


Rachel Steed said...

Kristyn, David and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your kids! We're dying of laughter - tell Seth his wise men killed us, too. :)

Caroline Brock said...

Thanks for the laugh. Carden's antics remind me of Victoria. They are cut from the same cloth. Wish we could see you guys this Christmas!

the wonder years said...

oh my gosh. im still laughing. Those are the funniest stories i have ever heard. Keep up the blogging. i love it.

Unknown said...

Haha I love this post! Your kids all have such great and unique personalities!