Thursday, January 27, 2011

How to get what you want

I've discovered how to get what you want. Complain about what you want but don't have in your Christmas newsletter.

Four weeks ago I moaned that Charlotte wasn't potty-trained, and that Claire wasn't walking or talking and she had no teeth.

January arrived, and voila! Public humiliation has once again triumphed.

Charlotte is making definite progress, albeit marked with her own flair. She really likes the whole bathroom ritual--wiping, flushing, washing, drying. But she's added her own special ending. You must spit into the toilet before flushing it. We try not to ask...

Between that and the two pairs of princess undies that somehow got flushed down the toilet, along with a large quantity of non-flushable baby wipes, I'm wondering if I truly want this.

Claire is saying a few words. Nowhere near what she should for her age, but we're dusting off our well-worn speech therapy tricks and putting up with having our eyes gouged out so she can say "eye" over and over.

And she's wobbly, but she's up on two feet! At 15 months, our latest one yet, but she's headed in the right direction. Actually, I am more excited that she's figured out to go down the stairs feet-first. Maybe we can get rid of the gates soon, since no one ever remembers to shut them anyway.


Caroline Brock said...

I am stunned by that adorable picture of Claire! She has grown soooo much! Can't wait to see her in a few weeks!

Caroline Brock said...

ps- the spitting thing is HILARIOUS.

Emily said...

As for the spitting thing, I have a few that do that.... oh the toilet clogs we have had with those lovely wipes. Ash doesn't talk much either... maybe I could pick up a few tips from you. She is 21 months and does a lot of "ahh, AHHH, uhh u." Like comments and sentences...

Your daughters are incredibly adorable. I miss you guys and our doggie dates, book club, and sitting in your warm back yard. I love your posts. Thanks.

sarah e. said...

I think it happens to humble me. Every time I complain about something (baby keeping me up in utero, Maggie hitting Kate, Kate waking up at night), they stop doing it and I feel dumb for complaining. Dumb but grateful.

Your kids are SO CUTE!