Sunday, March 28, 2010

Garden season opens!

In case you wondered how we've learned to garden in our oversize yard: think big. Think very big. As my gardening neighbor said when I was rolling my eyes at Tyler's truck purchase: "Kristen, we're not one of those people who garden on postage-stamp-size lots. We don't buy compost in bags."

Nope. We buy compost in 4-cubic-yard truckloads. In case you're wondering, that's about 8,000 pounds, enough to cover a 1,300-square-foot area with a 1-inch-layer of compost. When dumped in your driveway, it makes a pile about 9 feet long, 7 feet wide, and 4 feet high for the neighbors to admire, the kids to play in, and the dog to eat (and then throw up on the family room rug).

Ask me next week if I'll trade it for a condo in San Diego.


Rachel Steed said...

Kristyn, as one of those "postage-stamp" gardeners, I dream of the day when I'll have a garden as big as yours that will require 8,000 pounds of compost. Can't say I'm envious of the dog/dirt issue, though. :)

Everett said...

Wow...just wow....

Jenny said...

I bet your garden will be awesome this year. But personally, I would love it if you moved to San Diego! Just think you could grow all year round!