Heaven help us all.
Charlotte's second birthday arrived in all its frilly pink splendor. She woke up to her big present, a doll house, spread over the kitchen table and a set of princess dolls. She spent most of the morning moving the furniture and occupants around, so engrossed she was quiet all morning.

After pizza for dinner we brought out the rest of her presents and her pink cake and pink ice cream. We were thrilled Marianne and Granny Wilcox could come celebrate with us. I was surprised how Charlotte seemed to know exactly what was going on. She sang loudly with us as we warbled "Happy Birthday to You" and then instantly started blowing at the candles, without any coaching. Thanks to Carden and Seth who actually put them out.
The hits of the night were her dress from Marianne and her gifts from Carden and Seth: purple beads and bracelets, high heels and sunglasses--the basics, as any girl knows.

Seth helped me make the cake, and Carden helped put the sprinkles on the cupcakes. I was happily surprised that it looked pretty cute! Thankfully Charlotte is easily impressed.

Kristen, I can't believe she is already TWO! She is adorable!
The cake is darling, the beads are fabulous and the girl is adorable. What is it with pink and purple? Are little girls just born with an instinct for them? I dressed Mila in lots of reds and greens but as soon as she could voice her opinion it was all about purple and pink.
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