Seth starts first grade, and despite a little trepidation about going for the full day and eating lunch in the cafeteria, the prospect of two recesses won him over. He has the same wonderful teacher Carden had in first grade and he knew a handful of kids in his class. He wouldn't go for any of the new clothes I got him, wearing his school t-shirt with his new slip-on shoes that he absolutely loves. For our California trip we bought him a suitcase set that came with the red carry-on bag you see him carrying. He didn't want a backpack this year, and is quite pleased with his "messenger bag." Let's hear it for having your own style--I guess.
Carden has two fabulous teachers splitting the day this year, so he's excited to get a new face halfway through the day. I can't believe he'll be in fourth grade. That seems so big, and I remember him starting kindergarten so clearly. I think I'm starting to sound nostalgic and old! His classroom is in the new school addition, which is full of big windows and lots of space and light. Next year he'll have to go back into the old portion, and I'll be sad.
As for me and the girls, we are getting used to a quieter house during the day. It's really fun to be able to focus on them and a world of dollies and princesses rather than trains and superheroes. I remember all the fun things I did when I just had two little boys at home and I need to get back into that young kid mode and make the same memories with the girls.