Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's December first, which means it's time for the post on...Halloween, you guessed it!

Trying to embrace the whole costume thing, I drove the kids to every store in town looking for the perfect costume. Carden again tried my sewing patience to put together his Viking fur accessories. By the time Seth made his final decision, every store in town and every website was sold out of the outfit he wanted. He then set his heart on a 2-sizes-too-big, broken-zipper, hurry-up-the-store-is-closing costume from the thrift store. Did I mention I hate sewing?

Shocking, I know. A pink princess.

I dressed up--a first--as did Tyler. That Ghostbusters shirt made him a star with the 12-year-old boys at the church Halloween party.

We had a lot of fun, ate too much candy, and trick-or-treated on October 30 (in Utah, it's understood that when holidays fall on Sunday they will be celebrated on Saturday). All in all, I think we'll even do it again next year.